Sunday, September 03, 2006

Saint Cuthbert

Tomorrow (September 4th) is the feast of one of the great saints of northern England, St. Cuthbert. Why not take a little time out of your day to meet this Anglo-Saxon saint?

Some Facts

Born 634
664 Prior of Melrose Abbey (Benedictine)
685 Bishop of Lindisfarne
Died 687
Patronage: sailors, shepherds, England

Saint Cuthbert from Our Island Saints by Amy Steedman
Catholic Encyclopedia entry
Saints O'the Day: March 20th (in the English liturgical calendar Cuthbert's feast is celebrated on September 4th, the date his incorrupt body was moved to Durham Cathedral when Lindisfarne was attacked by Vikings).
Bede's Life and Miracles of St Cuthbert

How do we know about Cuthbert?
Most of what we know comes from the biography written by Saint Bede the Venerable. Bede also lived in Northumbria (the northernmost kingdom of Anglo-Saxon England), just fifty years after Cuthbert himself.

Virtual Tour
Visit the shrine of St Cuthbert at Durham Cathedral and the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. Walk St Cuthbert's Way from Melrose to Lindisfarne (if you have the energy for 62½ miles!).

Nature Study
Find out about St Cuthbert's Beads.

Bronze statue of Cuthbert of Farne on Lindisfarne.

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