Sunday, July 16, 2006

Life in fast forward

If you wonder why blog posts have been a bit thin on the ground around here over the last week or so ...

* Sunday - Mass, preceded by music group rehearsal (did you know it is possible to play the flute with a baby happily tucked up in her sling? Works better when the baby sleeps than when she decides to poke her head up to see what is going on!); extra dance classes for Angel who is preparing for dance exams; band concert for Angel
* Monday - day out at amusement park (see below)
* Tuesday - swimming trip for Tevye, Angel and Star; shopping trip for myself and Little Cherub
* Wednesday - hot and tiring day out at local safari park (think drive-round zoo); extra, extra dance classes plus a dance rehearsal for Angel
* Thursday - collapse on sofa to recuperate from earlier part of the week; trip to baby clinic to have Little Cherub weighed (she is now 7lbs 10oz and had put on 24oz in just over two weeks. Little Cherub is something of a piglet.)
* Friday - Angel's modern dance exam; visit from Grandma; another extra, extra dance class, clashing with Star's band practice and therefore inconveniently requiring us to be in two places at once (not good as we only have one car)
* Saturday - visit from Angel's friend to work on a dance for next week's choreography competition; Angel dancing at carnival in nearby village (which means missing yet another band concert and a homeschool group picnic / sports day); BBQ with friends who live in that village
* Today (Sunday) - Mass; extra dance class; drive to London to visit sister-in-law and family to show off Little Cherub to various friends and relations and for another BBQ
* Monday - Angel's ballet exam
* Tuesday - homeschool group field trip to a dairy farm
* Wednesday - visiting friends in Birmingham (an hour and three-quarters away by train)
* Thursday - friend visiting; doctor's appointment
* Friday - eighteen year old niece coming to stay for the weekend
* Saturday - free day apart from normal dance classes!
* Sunday - Mass (with music group rehearsal); choreography competition

And this is on top of the regular dance classes and band practices. And a small baby! I think that after next week life should revert to normal speed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:43 am

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