Friday, February 21, 2014

Immediate Book Meme

(Oh dear? Where did the last month go?)

I saw this on Faith's blog and I am long overdue a book post.

1. What book are you reading now?

A Country in the Moon - Travels in Search of the Heart of Poland, by Michael Moran. Partly because I am trying to read books set in different European countries - I saw a European Book Challenge somewhere at the beginning of the year, thought "must do that", bought some cheap Kindle books in Amazon's New Year sale, then forgot what the challenge was - and partly because we have just been to Poland (more about that in another post). Moran worked in Poland for a time soon after the fall of the communist regime and the book is part slice of life, part travelogue.

2. What book did you just finish?

Hot Flushes, Cold Science: a History of the Modern Menopause, by Louise Foxcroft. Because I am That Age, and the title therefore caught my eye in the same Amazon sale. The book traced attitudes of both society and the medical community to the menopause and to menopausal and post-menopausal women, and the way in which the menopause became increasingly medicalised and seen as a "disease" which must be treated (and some of those treatments were NOT pleasant - application of leeches to the cervix, anyone?).

3. What do you plan to read next

Horace and Me: Life Lessons from an Ancient Poet, by Harry Eyres. This is a mix of memoir and paean to the Roman poet which I put on my Christmas
wish list after my Car Buddy's enthusiasm for Horace piqued my interest. A proper hard cover book rather than an ebook for a change.

4. What book do you keep meaning to finish?

I can't think of one. If I don't make it through a book at the first attempt, chances are I didn't like it enough to want to go back to it.

5. What book do you keep meaning to start?

The Hunger Games. I feel I ought to read it and so many people (daughters included) recommend it, but somehow I am unsure about it and it never makes it to the top of my list.

6. What is your current reading trend?

I suppose it would be "European" - see number one above. I have two or three more books that would fit that theme sitting in my Kindle "to be read" folder and recently finished a book about life in Venice. Occasional healthy eating and fitness books seem to be sneaking in too.

1 comment:

  1. A Country in the Moon and Horace and Me both sound fascinating!
