Monday, September 09, 2013

This Week: 9th Sept

The weather ... Ugh! It feels as though it has gone from August to November in four days. Thursday was a glorious hot summer day. Today? Wet, miserable and cold.

I am wearing ... fleecy winter pyjamas and woolly socks. To go ith the 15 tog feather winter duvet which is back on our bed.

I am reading ... magazines. Playing with the free Zinio subscriptions available through our local library.

I am creating ... The green sweater, which has slowed down since I came home.

I am listening ... I'm on a seventies kick

I am watching ... Dragons Den while typing this on the iPad

I am enjoying ... Being back at orchestra. I missed playing my violin over the summer.

From the learning rooms ... Two girls back at school. Rose seems to be enjoying her new class. She tells me that they have a traffic light system. If they find a piece of work easy they colour the green light, middling is the yellow light, and if they find it too hard the red light. Rather a neat way for their new teacher to get a handle on what level each child is working at, I thought.

On the menu ... Taking things as they come this week

On the calendar ... It's a busy week!
Monday: free evening
Tuesday: repair man coming to fix the oven which has stopped heating up properly; orthodontist for Marie; ballet class for Rose; I am giving a talk about Victorian crime in the evening (work)
Wednesday: brass band
Thursday: swimming for Rose; orchestra for me
Friday: Yom Kippur begins
Saturday: synagogue all day for Tevye; working at an open day for me, with Rose coming along as an honorary staff member
Sunday: playing at a "Songs of Praise" type service with the brass band

A picture from last week ... Our town has a children's trail with various children's literature related artworks. Rose, Tevye and I followed if on Saturday and found this on the underside of the bandstand ceiling in the park.


  1. Agreeing on the weather - I've even got socks and shoes on :(

  2. We came back from five days in Florence on 10th September and were so unprepared for the cold weather as usually early September is quite warm.

    Liked the Dorset holiday pictures, daughter lives and works there now.

  3. What a joy it would be to read my books together - from your youngest to your oldest child there is something for everyone to enjoy in the Holiday Series.


    No Christmas for Olivia

    Today through Monday, October 11 - 14, the first book of my second eBook series is free! I know you will love reading about how Olivia learns the true meaning of Christmas.

    If you are thinking of a book for a gift this year - No Christmas for Olivia would be a good one! Download it, read it, share it, but most of all, Enjoy it!

    In the story, Olivia is hurt and angry that her family is going to visit Aunt Fran in Phoenix over Christmas vacation. It means there will be no trip to the tree farm to cut a Christmas tree. Her beloved decorating traditions will go out the window. And absolutely no snow on Christmas Eve! Olivia decides to skip Christmas this year. Her parents can make her go to Arizona but they can't make her enjoy the holidays! Follow Olivia out to Phoenix as she learns the true meaning of Christmas.

    Mary Ellen Shea Clifford

    Link to the Holiday Series:

  4. Great book list.

    Would you be interested in reviewing some of our Childrens books?
