Saturday, June 01, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Picture Edition

1. The view from my Kindle at the lakeside park on Monday.

2. The moment before a certain daughter realised her tongue had frozen to the ice lolly.

3. On the inflatable slide

4. Landing!

5. Two bookworms

6. The kitchen on Tuesday morning. Wall colour very pale green (I named this paint colour "anaemic willow", though I'm sure Dulux had a more appealing name when we chose it!)

7. The kitchen on Wednesday afternoon. Wall colour "vanilla sundae".


  1. Oh I like the yellow very much! Very light and cheery.

    (Hope the tongue was unstuck without too much trauma!)

  2. Hope the tongue/icy lolly incident wasn't too painful! Lovely to see all the blue sky in your pics. Thanks for your recent comment on my blog post about depression, it was really interesting to read so many different viewpoints. x

  3. The lolly was forcibly removed from the tongue by her small sister, leaving it slightly tender!

  4. ouch on the lolly. Isn't the sun glorious? Really like the new kitchen colour - starting to wonder about the next house. Adding lots of colour is always fun :)
