Monday, May 06, 2013

This Week: 6 May 2013

(Oops! Where did the last month go?)

The weather ... a beautiful May day, mostly warm and sunny, with a little cloud. The first Monday of May is a bank (public) holiday here and our town holds a May Fayre which is a big fundraiser for local groups and charities. The brass band plays for an hour in the morning, and we always seem either to get cooked or drenched. Last year was a wet one. Overheating a bit this morning was a pleasant change.

I am wearing ... navy skinny jeans, pink and navy leaf pattern tunic top, bare feet.

I am reading ... dipping a toe into a book about interesting aspects of physics. It is one of those short snippets type books and isn't really holding my attention.

I am creating ... soft socks for a very old friend who is very ill and has just had major surgery.

I am listening ... Rose is watching something on the iPad, otherwise everything is quiet.

I am watching ... not much. TV seems to be in the doldrums. I did get talked into watching Big Bang Theory recently and have been catching up on earlier series. Geek humour.

I am enjoying ... the long weekend. The next few months is going to be busy so I'm enjoying the break while I can.

From the learning rooms ... Rose is hugely excited that she gets to take part in a Fiddle Fiesta (string orchestra for small people) in a couple of weeks. I'm not sure which is the most exciting aspect - that she will be spending the afternoon at Helen and Marie's school, or that she gets to take a packed tea. I think the music part is a distant third in terms of anticipation!

On the menu ...
Monday: BBQ in the garden (yay! the weather forecast that this would be the best day of the long weekend was right!). We had burgers, chicken, sausages, mushrooms and salad, washed down with watermelon
Tuesday: Chicken stir fry
Wednesday: Salmon baked with leeks and mushrooms
Thursday: Pasta with tomato sauce and meatballs
Friday: Courgette, bean and tomato casserole
Saturday: I'm finding planning food in advance for Saturday doesn't work as I never know who is going to be where when. We usually just keep it simple - soup, sandwiches, baked potatoes, eggs, that sort of thing.
Sunday: Roast beef and veggies

On the calendar ...
Monday: No work or school, except for Helen who is at work this evening. Played with the band in the morning.
Tuesday: Ballet lesson for Rose. Tevye has a meeting in London.
Wednesday: Band practice.
Thursday: Giving a talk on 19th century crime in the county to a group interested in local heritage in the morning (my work includes sometimes giving talks or attending events).
Friday: Another talk, this time given jointly with my job-share partner about the project we have been working on, to a smaller audience at the archive.
Saturday: Band concert in the evening.
Sunday: May be taking Marie and her friend to a car boot sale to raise funds for another trip to Bulgaria.

A picture from last week ... Rose enjoying herself at a woodland playground yesterday.


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. Hmm - you are invited to follow mine too - but I don't pay attention to who does ;)

    Hasn't she got big? Sheesh... Glad the MayDay celebrations went well, we BBQd too - so nice to have warmer weather. Hope the next few months go smoothly!

  3. Love the photo of her climbing -- now you've got me nostalgic for those years with my two (who haven't climbed things like that in years, though actually it was their much older brother who was the most fond of parks and their play-structures).
