Monday, May 13, 2013

This Week: 13 May 2013

The weather ... Brrr! Changeable and definitely not feeling as though summer is round the corner.

I am wearing ... pyjamas.

I am reading ... blogs and Facebook and not much else.

I am creating ... socks

I am listening ... to Shostakovitch Jazz Suites

I am watching ... Harry Potter movies with Marie.

I am enjoying ... my electric blanket. So glad I didn't switch the winter duvet for a lightweight summer one when it was warm last week.

From the learning rooms ... I looked at the records management module I will be studying for the next three months tonight. The first section is horribly intense. It's not a subject that interests me, but it has to be done.

On the menu ...
Monday: salmon, sweet potato, sauteed leeks and cabbage
Tuesday: chicken and chips with sweetcorn and peas
Wednesday: pasta with either bolognese sauce or chicken
Thursday: out for lunch with Tevye as we are both taking the day off work
Friday: savoury bean pot
Saturday: wait and see!
Sunday: roast beef, roast potatoes and veggies

On the calendar ...
Tuesday: orthodontist appointment for Marie
Wednesday: band AGM and practice
Thursday: a day off from work as I have to work on Sunday (unusual); Fiddle Fiesta for Rose
Saturday: playing at a village fete with the band
Sunday: looking after a display at a medieval history festival in a nearby town

A picture from last week ... Marie and A-next-door at Sunday's car boot sale, raising money to fund another trip to Bulgaria.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the boring and not interesting bit goes quickly and that the trip to Bulgaria fun got a good boost :)
