Monday, March 04, 2013

The weather ... Just the tiniest hint of spring in the air.

I am wearing ... Jeans, long sleeved navy t-shirt, long blue hand knitted sweater, white furry slipper boots

I am reading ... The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey. Stalled.

I am creating ... A pair of blue lacy socks. Just the toe of the second sock to go.

I am listening ... To a cello concerto by Russian composer Miaskovsky.

I am watching ... Not much other than Call the Midwife on Sunday evenings

I am enjoying ... Lighter evenings. It is so nice not to have to drive home from work in the dark.

From the learning rooms ... Rose was pupil of the week for her class last week, which made her very happy. I have just started a short module on reading Latin documents for my archivist's course. I've realised that my Latin is better than I thought it was, which is a nice position to be in! It means the course won't be as time consuming as I expected.

On the menu ...
Monday: beef stir fry
Tuesday: fish and chips
Wednesday: chicken breasts (bought ready marinated) with green veggies and some sort of potatoes
Thursday: maybe vegetarian cottage pie?
Friday: probably salmon
Saturday: baked potatoes and chilli at a band quiz night. I have been delegated to cook a batch of the potatoes
Sunday: roast chicken

On the calendar ... Mostly the usual routine. Helen has a week's holiday from her shop job, and Tevye and I are going to the quiz night on Saturday.

A picture from last week ...


  1. Oooh, I'm intrigued by the vegetarian cottage pie. What replaces the beef?

  2. Lentils and beans. I need to find the recipe though - can't remember exactly what goes into it!

  3. Is that Season 2 of Call the Midwife? Hope so - and can't wait until it comes to the USA.

  4. Pamela ... Yes, season 2.

  5. Is series 2 just as good?? We're so looking forward to it -- it begins here on March 31st :-)

    Lovely picture of the girls.

  6. Lovely photo of two of your three. Rose has grown so!
