Monday, January 07, 2013

This Week: 7th January 2013

The weather ... miserable. Last year was the wettest on record for England. This year has started the way last year ended - grey, damp and depressing. I have had enough of rain in all its forms.

I am wearing ... pyjamas. I forgot to finish this post earlier and now it's bedtime.

I am reading ... Swiss Watching: Inside the Land of Milk and Moneyby Diccon Bewes. I was inspired by the posts of blogging friends who live in or regularly visit Switzerland to pick this one up in Amazon's Kindle sale and learn more about this beautiful country.

I am creating ... belated Christmas socks for my brother. I gave him a ball of yarn and a knitting IOU. I'm part way through the foot of the second sock so should be done in a day or two. Then I have more socks to knit and a sweater to finish.

I am listening ... to silence!

I am watching ... Miranda. Ridiculous but funny.

I am enjoying ... a box of chocolate covered marzipan. No one else in the family eats it, so it's all mine!

On the menu ... I have to think about menu planning again? Yikes! I have no idea. Brainstorming what is in the fridge and freezer:
... left over turkey for a casserole
... marinated boneless chicken thighs
... box of Costco's seasoned sole fillets (love these!)
... bagels and salt beef
... various root vegetables - roasted veggies? soup?
... frozen cauliflower (cauliflower cheese?)
... baking potatoes
... minced beef (cottage pie?)

On the calendar ...
Monday: Rose back to school
Tuesday: Helen and Marie back to school
Thursday: our larger, older car is being serviced. Hoping no major repairs are needed. Busy, physical day at work as we are expecting delivery of lots of stuff previously held in a museum store.
A quiet weekend?

A picture from last week ...

Spotted in the supermarket - chocolate eggs, bunnies and chicks. For Easter. At the beginning of January. What????


  1. I have just added that book to the wish list - it sounds good! And I am totally with you re the Easter eggs on show. Here they were out on the 27th December and it had me standing in the aisle shaking my head in disbelief. AND (there is more) the sole fillets from Costco? Fantastic! I get them every visit and we LOVE them!

  2. husband bought me that book for Christmas - we'll have to compare notes once I get going on it!

  3. Hmm - we've not tried the sole fillets, we tend to stick to sea bass and salmon. We're there tomorrow and I've just added 'em to my list. Not seen Easter eggs... but then haven't been in a big shop yet...
