Monday, October 08, 2012

This Week: 8th October 2012

The weather ... more of last week's autumnal weather. Cooler, but nothing extreme.

I am wearing ... black trousers, black floral sweater, black cardigan (need extra layers due to very erratic heating at work), black boots. 

I am reading ... still not started a new book, but have got as far as downloading some samples for my Kindle. 

I am creating ... the second sleeve of Marie's sweater, which is turning out to be a quick knit.

I am listening ... to silence! It doesn't often happen around here. Tevye has left for work and the girls aren't awake yet. 

I am watching ... Downton Abbey, The Great British Bake Off, Who Do You Think You Are?, X Factor (it seems as though every year I say I'm not going to watch it and end up getting sucked in), Strictly Come Dancing (for the first time)

I am enjoying ... more scrapbooking, posting here more regularly, the crisper autumn weather.

Learning notes ... Marie has science and history tests this week. Rose rejected point blank a whole school trip to see a pantomime in December so may be the only child left in school for the day! 

On the menu ...
Monday: cauliflower cheese
Tuesday: chicken, chips and sweetcorn
Wednesday: turkey steaks, butternut squash wedges, sweet potato
Thursday: chicken pasta bake
Friday: seasoned sole fillets, veggies
Saturday: vegetable soup
Sunday: roast chicken

On the calendar ... 
Monday: Tevye has to stay late at work for a meeting
Tuesday: ballet for Rose
Wednesday: band for me (and Rose!), work for Helen
Thursday: swimming for Rose, photography field trip to London for Helen to see exhibitions at the Barbican and the Museum of London, hoping to take Marie to the gym (we were going regularly but got out of the habit) 
Saturday: wearing that archivist's hat again and spending the day at a pumpkin and apple festival, band concert in the evening, work for Helen
Sunday: Helen has the second day (out of four) of her gym coaching course. Thanks to a last minute venue change it requires an 80 mile round trip. 

A picture from last week ... one of last week's scrapbooking pages.

1 comment:

  1. Simple, elegant and pretty - just as wedding photos should be, lovely to see your work. Ugh on the 80 mile around trip. I'm intrigued as to why your archivist's hat needs to go to a pumpkin and apple festival - are there people needing their 17th Century shopping lists read? Good going Rose for knowing a pantomime isn't necessary :)
