Tuesday, October 02, 2012

This Week: 1st October 2012

The weather ...autumnal. A mix of sun and showers with temperatures in the 50s forecast this week. No more of the atrocious weather that caused floods in some parts of the country last week.

I am wearing ... black jeans, black and cream striped lambswool tunic sweater (heating at work may be broken!), black boots. 

I am reading ... still not started a new book.

I am creating ... just finished the main part of the body of Marie's sweater and started the first sleeve. I'm knitting bottom up so I have to do the sleeves ready to join them in with the yoke.

I am listening ... To Mumford and Sons, thanks to a Facebook friend mentioning heir new album.

I am watching ... Downton Abbey, The Great British Bake Off, Who Do You Think You Are?. I am also getting into the political comedy The Thick of It - terrible language but some wicked humour. 

I am enjoying ... scrapbooking for the first time in years.

Learning notes ... lots of art. Marie has lots of coursework for her art GCSE and art was Rose's class topic last week. Apparently they did self-portraits, but hers had a splodged eye as a friend accidentally jogged her while she was doing it!

On the menu ...
Monday: whatever needs using up from the freezer
Tuesday: fish fingers and chips
Wednesday: turkey steaks, sweetcorn and sweet potato
Thursday: pasta, meatballs, tomato sauce
Friday: fish or some sort, sauteed leeks, butternut squash wedges
Saturday: burgers or soup
Sunday: roast chicken

On the calendar ... 
Tuesday: ballet for Rose
Wednesday: band for me, work for Helen
Thursday: swimming for Rose, rescheduled orthodontist's appointment for Marie who missed last week's as she wasn't well, work for Helen
Saturday: I have my archivist's hat on in the morning, setting up and manning a display on sporting history as part of a living history day in our town. Rose has an extra ballet class, Helen is working. 

A picture from last week ...

Me, aged about four.


  1. oh love the photo of you at 4!

    Yeah for scrapbooking - hope you share what you create - at least email me a photo! I'm missing the crop but have to confess I'm glad I stopped running it :sigh:

  2. Oh, my, I love that photo of you! Too, too cute.
