Wednesday, October 17, 2012

31 Days of Healthy Eating - Lunch

Oh dear. I'm getting rather hopelessly behind on this 31 days, but I'm just going to do the best I can.

I usually take my own lunch to work both to make it easier to stick to healthy options and to keep the cost down. We do have a staff restaurant where I can get sandwiches, salad or baked potatoes if taking lunch doesn't happen. They also do full cooked meals, but that is too heavy for me at lunch time.

My usual lunches are peanut butter, houmous or cheese sandwiches, salads in the summer, or soup in the winter. Occasionally I will take some homemade vegetarian chilli or curry, or buy an Innocent veg pot. For some reason - it wasn't a conscious decision - I seem to stick to vegetarian lunches. We have a microwave in the staff room which means I can heat things up if necessary. My current easy lunch favourite is a carton of New Covent Garden soup (preferably one of their seasonal flavours) - one carton lasts for two days which makes it doubly easy. I always take at least one portion of fruit, and often either cherry tomatoes or a chopped red pepper to add an extra veggie.

1 comment:

  1. Your tag doesn't mention consecutive days - just 31.

    Lunch is always tricky here, I like it when I can have left overs (or planned overs) but otherwise yet soup, lump of protein and some crackers is extremely popular. Often veggie here - unless the leftovers or lump of protein aren't :)

    Wookie gets a chopped veggie and fruit salad so he usually gets five a day then.
