Monday, September 17, 2012

This Week: 17th September 2012

The weather ... alternating between early autumn and late summer. Hard to know what to wear and I have found myself alternately boiling and freezing. This week's forecast looks to be consistently cooler, with temps in the 50s.

I am wearing ... dark grey trousers, light grey v-neck sweater, black and silver scarf, black boots

I am reading ... picture books to Rose, inspired by the TUAR Picture Book Challenge. More about that later.

I am creating ... socks for Mum. On to the heel of the second sock now, so should finish them before her birthday on Friday.

I am listening ... Tevye's electric shaver, which sounds like a demented wasp.

I am watching ... the new series of Downton Abbey which started last night. All the ingredients Downton fans have come to know and love - a be-stubbled Bates languishing in gaol, the difficulty of how to treat the chauffeur when he returns married to a daughter of the house, wedding clothes, Maggie Smith's withering put-downs as the Dowager Lady Grantham.

I am enjoying ... Downton Abbey!

Learning Notes ... Helen has decided on topics for her English Language and Media Studies coursework. For English she is looking at the effect of the character constraints of Twitter on the use of language; for media she is analysing the extent to which teen dramas conform to stereotypical views of teenagers, and whether this differs between the UK and the US.

On the menu ...
Monday: baked potatoes and turkey chilli
Tuesday: fish and chips
Wednesday: lamb steaks, butternut and potato mash
Thursday: honey mustard chicken pasta
Friday: salmon
Saturday: burgers with salad
Sunday: eating out at a Chinese buffet recommended by Helen (she went there for a friend's birthday last week)

On the calendar ...
Monday: Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new year) so Tevye taking the day off work
Tuesday: Ditto (Rosh Hashanah lasts two days). Back to ballet for Rose.
Wednesday: An early start for me as we have an 8am staff meeting at week, then band in the evening. Helen working.
Thursday: swimming for Rose, work for Helen. Not sure about orchestra for me. I'm not at all sure I will enjoy the Bruckner, based on last week's rehearsal, so I may skip out on orchestra this term, especially as there is lots of musical busy-ness with the band in the run up to Christmas.
Friday: my mother's 85th birthday.
Saturday: work for Helen.
Sunday: going out for lunch to celebrate Mum's birthday.

A picture from last week:
On Saturday Marie and I took Rose to play at the Princess Diana Memorial Playground in Kensington Gardens. Lots of memories of meeting up with homeschooling friends here! Here is Rose making music.


  1. Great memories at that park too - twitter and stereotypes in dramas. Sounds like an interesting set of research.

  2. I am a small publisher of Catholic novels - Catacombs Press (formerly Lyons Den Publishing), based in Los Angeles.

    I have a title, The Fatima Code, that I am offering to you as a complimentary review copy . We would be very grateful if you or others you know may read it.

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    Through the proceeds of the sale of the eBook edition of the Fatima Code, we hope to make our first print run of The Fatima Code.

    Hoping in Mary to hear from you soon,


    PS: What are your advertising rates?

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    Many thanks

