Saturday, September 08, 2012

Poor Neglected Blog

I think a month may be the longest I have ever gone without posting. My excuse is that a couple of posts never made it past the half-written stage, and then we were away for the second half of August on a very, very big boat.

All five of us had a wonderful time - there really was  something for everyone. It was more a floating village than a floating hotel.

We got back last Sunday and over the next few days drifted back to school and work. I started straight in on Monday, Tevye went back to work on Tuesday, Marie started school on Wednesday and Helen and Rose on Thursday.

For the fist time in many months I dug out my camera rather than relying on my iPhone for photos, so over the next week or so I'll be posting pictures from our travels - seven ports in four countries (Spain, Croatia, Italy and Greece).


  1. I thought you must be traveling! Welcome back, and I'm looking forward to the photos and stories :-)

  2. Sounds like quite an adventure. I've occasionally been tempted by a cruise - the idea of seeing new places and someone else cooking/driving but Wookie isn't keen on all the forced interaction with people. I'd love a review :)

  3. Missus W - no forced interaction at all in our experience! Request for a review noted :)
