Wednesday, September 12, 2012

2nd Port: Korcula

After two more sea days our second port was the Croatian island of Korcula and its pretty little walled city, also called Korcula.

The main gate into the old city.

Part of the fortifications from outside

Korcula claims to be the birthplace of the medieval explorer Marco Polo who is commemorated in shops, restaurants and a museum. This giant's chair outside the Marco Polo shop had a note asking for donations to charity.

One of the narrow little side streets. Very pretty!

You can see the street to the right of this church dropping down steeply as the city slopes down towards the sea.

Rose looking down on the perfect blue sea. The railings were at the top of a set of steps leading down to a small rocky area.

Korcula was the only port stop where we had to go on shore by tender. Disembarking was a major logistical exercise, with inevitable queues for the boats. Worth it, though!

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