Friday, June 22, 2012

7 Very Quick Takes

1. The next three weeks are going to be hairy. I have a short piece of assessed work, an essay and a report to write for my course. That is on top of working 4.5 days a week, band stuff and an orchestra concert. And trying to at least feed and pay some attention to my family.

2. Once I hand in that work my current module is done and I am taking a break until February next year, partly because there is only so much I can pack into a week and partly because of the timetabling of the courses I want to take. Then six months more of hard work and the studying will be done.

3. Once this module is finished I will get back to reading. I'm still determined to get through 52 books in 52 weeks and I have some catching up to do.

4. I will also try to get on top of the housework. For now, Tevye is managing to stop us disappearing under a layer of dirt and clutter. Really, the number of hours in a week only stretch so far.

5. I have discovered it is possible to sleep less and survive. Sometimes downtime is more important than sleep. I yawn a lot, though!

6. Menu planning is my friend.

7. I may not blog again until the assignments are done. (Yes, I know I haven't been blogging much anyway!)

1 comment:

  1. Been thinking of you and wondering how courses were going. Glad you can see an end for at least a few months. Yeah for Tyve :)
