Monday, April 30, 2012


Whew! Life is whizzing past at quite a rate! I am settling into working pretty much full time (I get Friday afternoons off at the moment) and after two weeks I'm pleasantly surprised by how well it is working out. Tevye and I are cooking dinner between us - I plan and leave instructions as he is either already home or gets home earlier than I do, or I put something in the crockpot and he cooks veggies. Cherub went to after school club for the first time today and liked it - one of the girls in her class goes on Mondays and they played together. The big girls pick her up on their way home from school, so she only needs to go for about 40 minutes. The rest of the week either Tevye or I can still collect her. And so far I am loving the new job. More about that another time.

I meant to post pictures after Tevye's nephew's wedding - I put some on Facebook but never got round to posting them here. They are only iPhone pictures but you get the idea!


  1. Oh, lovely photos. Thanks for sharing :-) I like your dress!

  2. Kathryn--I have not checked your blog in years. You all look fantastic! Is that last photo your oldest?? I am searching that photo for the face of the little girl I met at Warwick in '07! They have all three grown up so much. --Elaine

  3. This whole post made me smile. :)

  4. This is a very beautiful and interesting article
    The most glamorous one i have read today!

    Love the last picture

    High School Diploma

  5. Welcome to the Catholic Blog Directory. I'd like to invite you to participate in Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. We are a group of bloggers who gather weekly to share our posts. This week's host post is at
