Saturday, March 03, 2012

Neglectful Blogger!

Oops! Nearly two weeks since I last posted! Tevye and I spent last weekend at our all time favourite hotel, leaving girls scattered in various places. At almost 17 Helen now stays home alone, forcing her to confront the reality of dishes that do not wash themselves. Rose stayed with K and A-Next-Door, where part of the routine when she stays is to go for a pub lunch, which always includes chips (fries) for her.

Me: What are you most looking forward to about staying next door?
Rose: Pub!

All went well. We had a good break. Rose enjoyed her chips, and getting taken bowling by the next doors teens, and generally being made a fuss of. Marie spent the weekend with a girl who has been a close friend since she was nine, and as she calls C's family her "second family" she was happy. Helen didn't burn the house down.

Here are a few pictures (taken with my phone, so not the greatest):

The bridge house at Ambleside. As you can see the weather was decidedly Lake District grey. At least it didn't rain on us.

I love the Lake District stone walls. Isn't this house wall at Ambleside neat!

A view from Coniston

On the way home was stopped off here

In this town

And ate this (or at least I did. Tevye ate a steak sandwich)

Then strolled around the gardens, both indoors

And outside

And here is a gratuitous picture of Tevye and myself, which I very rarely take, let alone post!


  1. Grey or not, it looks like you both (and the girls too!) had a great weekend away. I love the photos - the Lake District is a family favourite - and it is SO good to see a photo of you both! Beautiful!

  2. You have great photos. I especially love the old stone walls!

  3. I love that last photo! You are such a lovely couple! It sounds like a relaxing holiday.

  4. So nice to see you. Looks like a wonderful weekend away - glad Rose got chips :)
