Saturday, January 28, 2012

Book 5: E is for Eat

Eat Well Spend LessEat Well Spend Less by Sarah Flower

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I don't have much to say about this one. I got serious about eating more healthily last year and thought this book might give my improved diet an extra boost and some new recipes. It was OK, but didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. There were a few useful and reasonably economical recipes I will probably try.

ETA: Coincidentally the topic for week 5 of 52 Books in 52 Weeks is Literary Cookbooks. I love the idea of The Jane Austen Cookbook. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like the books you read! I just ordered the Augusta Von Trapp's book from the library, and I've put a hold on Free Range Kids as well.

    Visiting from 52 books.

    Annie Kate
