Sunday, January 01, 2012

52 Books in 52 Weeks

To encourage myself to read more this year and get plenty of use out of my Kindle I am copying Faith and taking part in the 52 Books in 52 Weeks reading challenge. The rules are:
  • The challenge will run from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012
  • Our book weeks begin on Sunday.
  • Participants may join at any time.
  • All books are acceptable except children books.
  • All forms of books are acceptable including e-books, audio books, etc.
  • Re-reads are acceptable as long as they are read after January 1, 2012.
  • Books may overlap other challenges.
  • Create an entry post linking to this blog.
  • Sign up with Mr. Linky in the "I'm participating post" below this post.
  • You don't have a blog to participate. Post your weekly book in the comments section of each weekly post.
  • Mr. Linky will be added to the bottom of the weekly post for you to link to reviews of your most current reads.
To add a little spice I am going to add in the A to Z mini challenge:
Challenge yourself to read books alphabetically by Title and/or by Author.  Have fun searching out those difficult letters. For titles, the letter doesn't have to be the starting word. It can be any word in the title, but to make it more challenging try to find one that starts with the letter. This year I am making a bit more challenging by discounting any book that started with THE. For authors, it can be their first name or last name. Have fun with it and be creative.
A to Z by Title - Commit to 26 Books
A to Z by Author - Commit to 26 Books
A to Z by Title and Author - Commit to 52 Books
I don't want to be over ambitious so I am going to go for the 26 books by title option, with the word anywhere in the title.  I looked through the books I have already downloaded to my Kindle or have on my wishlist and can already cover most of the alphabet. This extra challenge will help me with the potentially paralysing choice of deciding which book to read next by narrowing it right down for me.

First up ... A is for At Home by Bill Bryson.


  1. Fun challenge - determinedly looking away though Wookie & I just agreed we're going to make time to read more.

    Are you blogging from your ipad at all?

    Looking forward to a review of the 52 - At Home is one on my to read list. :)

  2. Oh goodie, goodie! I'm so excited! Look forward to reading your reviews!

  3. you can do it!! I read 54 full books in 2011 and half of 7 more books (good start for 2012). I posted the list of books read on my blog if you're interested.

  4. Missus W - I was using BlogPress to blog from my iPad, but the app seems to have died (developed a permanent crashing bug, and is no longer in the app store). I have the free Blogger app which is only an iPhone one so pretty awful on the iPad - works ok but is only iPhone sized, will only tag pictures on the end of a post and pictures can't be resized. I was looking at blogging apps last night when I realised BlogPress was permanently gone and am dithering between Blogsy (£2.99) and Bloggerplus (£1.99). If you find a good one, please let me know!

  5. Faith - the first review may take a while. Choosing a first book that is over 600 pages may not have been the wisest choice!

  6. Catherine - I'll check out your list. I'm well overdue with catching up on your blog! It was lovely to read your Christmas newsletter. I'm afraid ours isn't going to make it to people until mid-January. I hit a time crunch during December. Meanwhile, Happy New Year to you and Sam and the girls.

  7. I like the blogger app for uploading photos, that's the only thing I use it for. True, you can't resize, but it works okay ... I type on the iPad in Pages and then just copy/paste into the post form at my blog. I can put the text either before or after the photo(s).

  8. Thanks, and happy New Year to you and your beautiful family, as well!
