Sunday, December 18, 2011

Advent Books: Week 3

I wrote this on the train during the week, but needed to tweak the pictures and only just remembered!

This week's books:

Christmas by Jan Piemkowski

A Flower Fairy Christmas

Saint Lucy by Silvia Vecchini

The Clown of God by Tomie de Paola

Tod and the Clock Angel by Andrew Matthews and Christian Birmingham

The Night the Stars Danced for Joy by Bob Hartman

The Legend of the Poinsettia by Tomie de Paola

Alongside those we are reading Chrissie the Wish Fairy (having made it to the end of Holly the Christmas Fairy. Oh joy!) and A Street Through Time by Anne Millard and Steve Noon, one of a series of gorgeous illustrated history books published some years ago by Dorling Kindersley, mostly out of print and getting hard to find at a reasonable price. Cherub adores this book. We look at one double page spread each night, and she tries to find the various small illustrations around the page in the main picture. Last night we added in The Story of Holly and Ivy by Rumer Godden, which also seems to out of print except in a Kindle version which I downloaded last night. I am slightly irritated as I think this many be an abridged version, and the town name has been changed form the original Aylesbury (real, local and name familiar to Cherub) to Appleton (fictional). Why?

As for last week's books, Cherub's favourites were Brian Wildsmith's A Christmas Story, the pop-up version of the Nutcracker, and Jan Brett's Christmas Trolls (an all time family favourite, this one).


  1. And another week goes by and I've still not written up anything about our Advent books. I fear it is not to be this year.

    Bella adores The Story of Holly and Ivy. I didn't know that the original town name wasn't Appleton. It irks me that publishers will blithely change books with no warning. Like when they made the American version of Rowling's first novel into "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". Because they think American kids can't handle the word "philosopher"? Anyway, now you make me wonder if the edition we have is abridged like you say you think yours is since ours also has the town as Appleton. It seems rather long to me. What seems to have been cut in the version you have?

  2. Jan Brett is such a wonderful author and illustrator.

  3. I was looking around to see if there was some explanation of why the town's name had been changed. Otherwise it seems the story is intact. I have the paperback Scholastic version which is a reprint of the original novel, and the town's name is Aylesbury.
