Saturday, November 12, 2011

That Parrot is Dead

Sorry, can't mention parrots without thinking Monty Python.

A recent conversation with Star:

Star (all excited): I know what I want for Christmas!
Me: What?
Star: A parrot!
Me: NO!!!!!
Star: Why not?
Me: Don't even go there! And anyway, have you any idea how much parrots cost?
Star: Well, how about a budgie then?
Me: NO!!!!!
Star: Why not?
Me: Don't even go there!
Star: But I want a budgie! I'm going to call it Keith.
Me: NO!!!!!
Star: But why not?
Me (floundering): Because any bird that comes into this house will be cooked and eaten.
Star: What does budgie taste like?

1 comment:

  1. For a long time instead of children Wookie suggested owning two parrots... called 'dead' & 'no more' just so he could do that joke.

    I'd suspect that budgie tastes like chicken.... or maybe quail. You could buy a couple of poussin and let her try....
