Monday, June 06, 2011

This Week: 6th June 2011

The weather ... lots in the media about predictions of a long hot summer. This morning? Grey, wet, miserable and cold. Should have expected that.

I am wearing ... blue jeans, black and purple floral top, purple cardigan, blue hand-knitted cotton socks.

I am reading ... When the Lights Went Out. Political history of the seventies - back to reading this after a three week break.

I am creating ... cotton cardigan done apart from turning up the hem and sewing in the ends. Have started a pair of charade socks as I need something simpler than the colourwork socks to knit while I read.

I am hearing ... the washing machine in the kitchen, and Cherub and Little Friend N scuffling around upstairs.

I am watching ... So You Think You Can Dance, and Upstairs, Downstairs Series 4 on iTunes. Have now got behind with both Doctor Who and The Apprentice.

I am enjoying ... the knowledge that I do not have to organise a small person's birthday party for another year. Mostly I do enjoy them, but I always breathe a deep sigh of relief once they are successfully over. Particularly when I make the mistake of assuming that a summer birthday means I can organise something outdoors, then have the stress of wondering if, when, and how much it will rain.  You would think I would know better by now. Yesterday the rain started at 4pm, which meant they got an hour of playing outside on the bouncy castle.

I am planning ... not planning, mostly, as things are up in the air while I wait to find out whether I get the part time job I have applied for, and if so, what hours I will be working.

Learning notes ... back to school for Star this morning, maths and graphics exams for Angel this week, and an extra day off for Cherub, who doesn't go back to school until tomorrow. Star has various day trips to look forward to before the end of term, organised for the Year 8s who are leaving to move up to Upper School next year. This week she is going to an indoor climbing centre.

Cherub ... has been quite literally quivering with excitement about her birthday party, which fortunately lived up to her (quite modest) expectations. Now quivering about her actual birthday on Wednesday.

On the calendar ...

Monday: Little Friend N over for the day to play with Cherub
Tuesday: rock climbing for Angel
Wednesday: job interview. Yikes!
Thursday: archive day
Weekend looks quite free at the moment.

On the menu ...

Monday: Cottage pie and sweetcorn
Tuesday: Cauliflower cheese
Wednesday: Birthday tea for Cherub
Thursday: Chicken and chips
Friday: Stir fry
Saturday: Pasta bake
Sunday: Roast chicken

On my to-do list ... studying and some paperwork I need to catch up on (if I don't get it done, Angel and Star will not have transport to school next year!).

A picture from last week ... collecting pebbles on Brighton beach


  1. Have you watched the most recent Doctor Who? Quite the twist.

    The weather here has been rainy. Though I'm quite pleased, we need plenty of rain to make up for the dry April. The lake still looks low.

    Hoping for a dry Saturday though as Squidge wants to go to the beach for her birthday treat instead of a party.

  2. Hope you get your paperwork sorted out and all the other stuff done. I like the idea of lots of fun things - much nicer than lots more classes...

  3. Still behind on Doctor Who, but catching up slowly.
