Monday, June 20, 2011

This Week: 20th June 2011

The weather ... joy! It is actually looks like summer this morning and may even reach 70 degrees. If we are lucky. Showers forecast for later in the day, though.

I am wearing ... black linen trousers, black and white floral tunic top.

I am reading ... back to chugging slowly through the book on 1970s political history (it is interesting, but not gripping), and browsing The Forever Young Diet and Lifestyle (I think I saw this mentioned on Willa's blog, and downloaded it as a Kindle freebie).

I am creating ... socks. One simple cotton pair and one colourwork pair. I am procrastinating over finishing off the cotton cardigan.  (Same as last week, though progress being made on both pairs!)

I am hearing ... Angel tapping away on the computer and the washing machine whirring.

I am watching ... still Upstairs, Downstairs (nearly at the end of Series 4), but really nothing else. I watched the last episode of the latest Doctor Who series last night. Genius! A twist that I didn't see coming at all.

I am enjoying ... my new iPhone! It turned out I only had one month left on my old contract and could upgrade straight away. I now have an iPhone package with more texts and minutes a month than I could use in a year and unlimited data (much the best value deal - cost very little more than a much more restrictive package - and I like not having to worry about how much data I use). After spending some time at the weekend messing around with Google Sync and experimenting with apps I think I now have everything I need synchronising seamlessly between laptop, iPad and iPhone. Working on the train is going to be so easy! I love technology
I am planning ... can't think of anything I am planning! That doesn't happen often.

Learning notes ... Angel's GCSE's are all finished (yay!). Star has exams this week, for which she has done minimal preparation (fortunately they don't have any long term importance). Cherub's topic this half term is jungles.

Cherub ... is back in a drawing mood. I love the way small people binge on one aspect of development for a while, then move on to something else. Last spring and summer Cherub did loads of drawing, then by late summer it fizzled out. Now drawing and colouring are big again.

On the calendar ...

Today: Two orthodontist's appointments for Angel (one to have her braces removed and be measured for retainers, the second to collect the retainers)
Tuesday: An activity day for Star (kayaking and caving); silver jubilee Mass and celebration for our parish priest in the evening.
Friday: Going out for a meal with an old friend I haven't seen in a while.
Saturday: Cherub is going to a birthday party in the morning; band concert in the evening.
Sunday: Angel and I are going away for a two day spa break to celebrated her 16th birthday (belatedly!) and the end of her exams; Cherub has yet another birthday party in the afternoon (lots of her school friends have June and July birthdays).

On the menu ...

I am loving Spoonfed Suppers. Everything I have made so far has gone down well. Asterisked items are from their plan:

Monday - * sesame beef and tagliatelle
Tuesday - lazy chicken and potatoes
Wednesday - * honey mustard chicken
Thursday - lamb burgers and chips
Friday - ??
Saturday - * sun-dried tomato and olive chicken
Sunday - roast chicken

On my to-do list ... buy birthday presents for Cherub's friends; return a pair of shoes I ordered online that are too small.

A picture from last week ... playing with my phone while eating cheese and drinking wine with our neighbours on Friday

1 comment:

  1. Nowt like a nice glass of wine and a bit of cheese.

    Spoonfed suppers? What's that all about? Anything that makes meals easier sounds great to me. You'd recommend then?
