Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Party Planner

Cherub is getting very excited about her upcoming fifth birthday party. Invitations have been distributed to various little girls at school, and this morning I found this stuck to her bedroom door:

A list of invitees, then separate "yes", "no" and "maybe" lists. Tidy minded, that child. And I love the pen sticky-tacked to the door ready for future updates.

[Picture quality not great, as taken on my phone. My camera has gone missing, thanks to a certain child who shall remain nameless. I am assured it is "somewhere in the house". Wonderful! That narrows it down beautifully. The case, minus camera, is in her room.]


  1. Hmm I remember another small Princess of a similar nature :lol:

  2. Aww that's so cute. My two love making lists too. They prepare for their birthdays months in advance. No parties this year, but they plan anyway!

  3. Wishing her a wonderful party and birthday! She looks way more organized than I am!

  4. It is quite expected that kids will demand a thing or two for their party. That's why when planning a party for kids, make sure to include what the kids want to make the party more enjoyable for them.
