Monday, April 25, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook: 25th April 2011

Outside my window ... bright and sunny. Again. This has been the warmest Easter I have ever known and is set to be the warmest April on record. High 70s on Thursday, Friday and Saturday - may even have hit 80, which is unheard of for April. Really, it has been like the best summer weather. Forecast to cool down after today, though. I just hope this doesn't mean summer has been and gone for the year already!

I am thinking ... how nice it is to able to be hospitable. Having two American students staying over last week was a lot of fun. Cherub and I took them to Warwick Castle on Thursday, where Cherub confounded me by bolting from the meet-a-princess attraction she had been looking forward to, and immersing herself in the fighting knights display I thought might frighten her.

From the learning rooms ... testing Angel on GCSE chemistry (and learning new stuff as chemistry has clearly moved on since my day!), and cheerleading Star through left-to-the-last-minute English homework.

I am thankful ... for a beautiful Easter and a long holiday season - this four day Easter weekend is followed by another next weekend, with a bank (public) holiday on Friday for the royal wedding followed by the May bank holiday on Monday. Lots of people have taken Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week off work and the weather is adding to the holiday mood. The girls are back at school on Wednesday and Thursday, but I suspect it will be a rather half-hearted two days!

From the kitchen ... still out of sync due to holidays and Passover. Matzoh meal pancakes and Easter leftovers today, fish and chips tomorrow, a pasta bake from the freezer on Wednesday, and I haven't though beyond that yet.

I am wearing ... black and white pyjamas.

I am creating ... nearly finished the first of my blue cotton socks, and working on the first sleeve of my summer cotton cardigan.

I am going ... for a walk this afternoon. Somewhere. Anywhere. Just want to take advantage of the weather!

I am reading ... Climbing the Bookshelves by Shirley Williams (autobiography).

I am hoping ... for a good summer term for all three girls.

I am hearing ... Cherub watching TV, which Tevye and I are about to co-opt to watch an episode of Upstairs, Downstairs. We are half way through series 3.

Around the house ... summer clothes, sandals, sunhats, sunglasses.

One of my favourite things ... chocolate. Especially after a chocolate free Lent.

A few plans for the rest of the week ... Today: jobs round the house this morning, then out for a walk this afternoon; Wednesday: girls back to school; Thursday: one of our American student friends will be back with us again for her last night in England; Friday: will probably watch the royal wedding in the morning, but other than that no plans yet for the weekend.

A picture thought I am sharing ... Cherub enjoying sun and sand at the local open farm on Saturday.
Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. You know, I just really enjoy these simple daybooks that you and a couple of others whose blogs I read write. I haven't ever tried one myself, but just wanted to let you know that as a reader, I do quite enjoy them! They suit my history loving nature, for they are the sort of journalling/letter writing musings that are so fascinating to read decades or centuries later ...

    ~ ellie

  2. I love your daybook entries, too.

    And Cherub looks adorable (and so big!)

  3. Cherub does look adorable. We've been so blessed with the weather this Easter. Although just waiting for the hose pipe bans to start! :)
