Monday, April 04, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook: 4th April 2011

Outside my window ... it is dark now, at 8.15pm, but I am loving the lighter evenings. Forecast is cool and damp for tomorrow, but with some lovely warm, sunny weather later in the week.

I am thinking ... how perverse it is that I am getting better at the trombone and it is making my playing go wrong! I can now put in too much air for the small / medium bore trombone I use, which makes loud notes come out raspy and splitty, Then I keep playing too high because high notes have suddenly got easier, and I am confused by no longer having to force them out.  

From the learning rooms ... coursework deadlines and practical PE GCSE assessments for Angel this week. She says today's netball didn't go too well. Gymnastics and trampoline are already done, as she had to video her routines for those at the gym. Just rounders to go on Wednesday. She has stayed late at school most days over the past two or three weeks to get her graphics and ICT coursework projects done, and they are now ready to hand in tomorrow. Now she can take a breather before getting stuck in to revision for her exams, which start in the middle of May.

I am thankful ... Mum has made a full recovery from her cellulitis and is back to her previous level of mobility. Also that my brother, who managed to slice his finger nastily to the bone, didn't do anything worse!

From the kitchen ... more banana muffins. Last week's were a big success, so I made them again today. I love this recipe. It is the first time I have managed to achieve soft, fluffy muffins. The few times I have tried them before they have leaned towards rock cakes.

This week's menu plan:
Monday: Baked potatoes, savoury mince and broccoli
Tuesday: Chicken with roasted sweet potatoes
Wednesday: Salmon fillets with potato cakes
Thursday: Something instant from the freezer
Friday: Takeaway fish and chips
Saturday: ????
Sunday: Roast chicken

I am wearing ... jeans, white long-sleeved t-shirt, white hand-knitted socks, earrings.

I am creating ... socks and cardigans. One and bit of Mum's socks are done, and I am plugging on with the  mountain view cardigan. I am taking a break from the aran cardigan, as I want to knit a little turquoise shrug for Cherub and a pair of cotton socks for myself.

I am going ... on a tour of the National Archives on Friday, as part of my course.

I am reading ...  nearly done with The Tale of Briar Bank by Susan Wittig Albert. Meanwhile, I am building up quite a wishlist of Kindle books.

I am hoping manage my "forty bags in forty days" decluttering. I am behind, but thanks to dealing with a paper mountain last week, not too far behind. Sixteen bags done so far.

I am hearing ... Tevye watching TV downstairs.

Around the house ... turning a corner with mess and clutter, I hope. I have started the Motivated Mom checklist, and cleared out lots of files of history notes - ten carrier bags of paper to recycle!

One of my favourite things ... reading to Cherub before she goes to bed. We have got into a nice routine of reading for thirty minutes or so, rather than just the quick bedtime story she used to have. It is nice to be beginning the chapter book read-aloud stage again.

A few plans for the rest of the week ... Tuesday: an outdoor play session with Cherub at school to fit in with their "up in the air" theme (playing with anything that flies - kites, balloons, bubbles, aeroplanes and so on); Friday: trip to London to visit the National Archives; Saturday: hoping to work in the library and get my second end of module assignment drafted.

A picture thought I am sharing ... another animal staring me out on our trip up north last week.

 Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. One of your trips to London we really must meet up! Glad that the GCSE coursework is going well. A/AS level coursework is going o.k. too thankfully.
