Wednesday, March 09, 2011

What's On The Calendar Wednesday

I liked this simple meme idea from Pamela at When Good People Get Together. The idea is to post about something that is on the calendar for the day. It can be your own, or any other calendar. Today is an easy one for me ...

The first day of Lent, which gets its name from the Christian tradition of marking the forehead with ashes as a sign of repentence. The ashes are made by burning the palms used for Palm Sunday of the previous year.

My plans for Lent this year are simple:
I want to find some good spiritual reading, but so far have no bright ideas.


  1. The pope's new book on Jesus of Nazareth (part 2, which is on Holy Week) is excellent. I've got a review copy, but it's being released tomorrow. Happy Lent! ;)

  2. No chocolate! You're a braver person than I am. I started off on the 40 Bags venture last year and I think I made it to about 5. Got to give it a better go this year - our stuff is overflowing.

  3. I have a great new book for Lent from our church. It is upstairs. I am downstairs. But I will tell you the title when I remember it! My 40 bags effort is off to a good start. Only problem is that I totally overdid the enthusiasm bit yesterday so today I am planning the next room as I speak. Such a great idea. And the Good Lord knows I have way too much stuff in this house.
    Good luck with the chocolate! You can do it.

  4. And how about you save all the money that you would have spent on chocolate and buy a ticket to the States--specifically, Minnesota--and you bring your knitting needles and you teach me to knit.

    How about that?

  5. And because it's Lent, you can't complain about what a bad knitter I am.

  6. Margaret. It's Lent. You are not supposed to tempt me ;).

    Alicia, I thought about Jesus of Nazareth Part 2 for Lent reading, but ideally want something I can read on my iPad or phone and it isn't available on Kindle or iBooks yet :(.

    Bag report so far is zero :(.

  7. Princess was asked what she was giving up for Lent in Theology. She said she wasn't, "You are a BAD Catholic!" one of the other students told her. "I'm NOT a Catholic - I'm a Quaker" she replied. "Oh, in that case - that's a fairly good excuse..." We did do the pancakes tho'.
