Monday, March 07, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook: 7th March 2011

Outside my window ... a bright, sunny day, but still chilly. It is nice to see the sun, but I am longing for warmthm thinking ... about Lent (which is starting so late it feels as though it should be nearly Easter!).

From the learning rooms ... Cherub is helping(!) Star with her current homework project on rocks and fossils - at least, she has lent Star her Magic School Bus Inside the Earth book, and is contributing enthusiasm!

I am thankful ... for a restful few days. I am fighting a bug and low on energy.From the kitchen ... baked potatoes and chilli tonight. Pancakes for Pancake Day tomorrow.  I haven't looked at my menu plan for the rest of the week yet.

I am wearing ... jeans, pink v-neck jumper, purple and silver flower earrings, stripy socks.

I am creating ... back to the aran cardigan and mountain view cardigan. Cherub's cardigan and hat are done, apart from sewing in the ends.

I am going ... nowhere out of the ordinary this week.

I am reading ...  French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano.I am hoping ... the dishwasher gets fixed at the second attempt. It was mended on Tuesday, then packed up again on Friday.

I am hearing ... Cherub talking to her Sylvanian families.

Around the house ...  sliced up paper, scissors and sellotape. Cherub has been creating (I think she was making one of the foot measuring things they use in shoe shops).

One of my favourite things ... Evernote. How did I ever manage without Evernote?

A few plans for the rest of the week ... I should be going to Star's parent-teacher evening tomorrow, but forgot to get her to make appointments for me. As I don't have any concerns and can probably predict exactly what her teachers would say, I think I'm just going to be a bad parent and let it slide. I'm playing in my orchestra concert on Saturday, so intense rehearsals on Thursday evening and Saturday afternoon.

A picture thought I am sharing ... Happy Thing Number 5 - Whittards hot chocolate

 Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. I didn't make it to the last parent teacher thing, Wookie didn't the one before. I figure tag teaming it works too, and yep we could have predicted what the teachers said as well.
