Monday, February 07, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook: 7th February 2011

Outside my window ... a day of two halves: overcast, cold and windy this morning; bright and breezy this afternoon.

I am thinking ... mostly about archive stuff.

From the learning rooms ... Space Day for Cherub today. She went off dressed in a starry headdress and wearing a rather oversized magician's cloak decorated with stars and moons - she told me she was a "shooting star". She had been lent an astronaut's outfit, but decided it was "too itchy" and we had to switch to Plan B (a bit of inspired last minute improvisation on my part!).

I am thankful ... for our new wireless printer. Being able to print from any computer, anywhere in the house is wonderful - even more so in comparison to the old printer which would only work with the old laptop, so that files had to be transferred from the iMac to print them.

From the kitchen ... cottage pie tonight, experimental Thai red chicken curry tomorrow.

I am wearing ... jeans, a grey long sleeved t-short, hand knitted socks, earrings.

I am creating ... still socks for my brother (nearly done) and my aran cardigan (back finished, part way up the first front).

I am going ... to try to get to sleep earlier. I have got into the habit of staying awake too late, even when I'm tired.

I am reading ... still The King's Speech, plus lots of archive stuff.

I am hoping ... that Cherub will start sleeping better. She is waking a lot at night again.

I am hearing ... A Question of Sport, because I can't be bothered to get up and turn the TV off. How many decades has that programme been going?

Around the house ... stuff. Too much of it. I am beginning to develop an inner minimalist. One day it will mature and go on a clearing out rampage. It may take a few years, though.

One of my favourite things ... my new desk.

A few plans for the rest of the week ... another nice quiet week, with nothing much out of the ordinary apart from a play date for Cherub tomorrow.

A picture thought I am sharing ... another Day Zero Project completed. I have finally mastered French plaits (braids). Not perfect, but no longer a total mess. It has taken me ten years of trying and failing.

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. I never did master plaits. Martha went off to school with plaits that had funny angles so they stuck out, I couldn't get them straight, plus she has very fine hair which at that time was naturally blonde.
