Monday, February 28, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook: 28th February 2011

Outside my window ... four degrees (40F), wet and miserable. I'll be glad to see the back of February.

I am thinking ... how nice it would be to be able to go to sleep when I want and wake up when I want, without any night time interruptions. Even for a week!

From the learning rooms ... just about managed to keep up with my studying over half term. Angel and Star went back to school today, Cherub goes back tomorrow.

I am thankful ... that we normally have a dishwasher. And that the non-functioning dishwasher is still under warranty.

From the kitchen ... something instant from the freezer tonight as I will be out all day. On the menu for this week - mince and sweet potato pie, chicken pie, beef casserole, not sure what else!

I am wearing ... dark grey cord trousers, red roll neck jumper over black long sleeved t-shirt, stripy socks

I am creating ... my aran cardigan and mountain view cardigan are on pause while I knit a little cardigan for Cherub using some fluffy red yarn with glittery bits that was given to my Mum. When that is done, I'm going to make her a matching hat.

I am going ... to the London Aquarium today, with Cherub, Little Friend N and his mum

I am reading ... The Secret Diary of a New Mum (age 43 1/4) by Ceri Rosen on Kindle and French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano on paper.

I am hoping ... the nasty bruise on my back goes away soon. I had a disagreement with a table while playing Blind Man's Buffles with Cherub on Saturday. I caught her next the sofa, went to sit down, but had misjudged my position and crashed into a coffee table instead.

I am hearing ... Cherub playing games on the computer.

Around the house ... mud on the carpet (unavoidable in this weather). Also boots and shoes seem to be breeding. If they keep multiplying at this rate we won't be able to get in or out of the front door.

One of my favourite things ... spring. Please come soon!

A few plans for the rest of the week ... London today; an orthodontist's appointment for Angel tomorrow - Tevye is taking her as I need to get an assignment done; school technology competition for Angel on Friday (she has been chosen as part of her school team). I think that is all for the week, though have a feeling I may have forgotten something!
A picture thought I am sharing ... I am going to start posting pictures of Happy Things for my Day Zero project here.
Happy Thing Number 4 - a butterfly Star made from a craft kit and hung from the ceiling in Cherub's room. 

 Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. How is French Women Don't Get Fat? I saw it at the bookstore the other day.

  2. I can't wait for Spring either. I keep looking out the window and hoping the weather will warm up a little so I can get into the garden and start doing stuff! And dishwashers - believe me, I appreciate them mightily!

  3. Pamela, I am only three pages in, but I'll report back when I've read it.

    Linds, I saw your account of the arrival of your new dishwasher. Reminded me of trying to install one when 8 months pregnant with dd2. I came perilously close to getting wedged in a kitchen cupboard. Long may it work for you!
