Monday, February 14, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook: 14th February 2011

Outside my window ... it has been raining overnight (again), but looks quite nice this morning. We have been getting alternating rain and bright spells for the last week. Warmer than it has been though, with temperatures hitting double digits (low 50s farenheit).

I am thinking ... oh, I hate this prompt! It is 7.25am. Of course I am not thinking. Typing, but not thinking.

From the learning rooms ... last week before half term. Angel has an entire day of PE today - practical mocks for her GCSE exam - which she is not looking forward to. 
I am thankful ... for a husband who takes on more than his fair share of getting up in night with Cherub. She still isn't a great sleeper.

From the kitchen ... planning to cook heart biscuits (cookies) with Cherub this afternoon in honour of Valentine's day.

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas.

I am creating ... my aran cardigan (first front finished, and now working on a sleeve) and started this mountain view cardigan as I have some 4 ply cotton to use and wanted something mindless (lots of stocking stitch) to knit while I read. I am pretty good at knitting and reading, but the aran cardigan just has too many cables. My brother's socks are done.

I am going ... to school for a taster lunch with Cherub tomorrow. She starts staying for lunch after half term.

I am reading ... still The King's Speech, plus lots of archive stuff. Same as last week, but making progress on both.

I am hoping ... that I will be better organised this week. I completely forgot to take Cherub to ballet last Wednesday.

I am hearing ... Charlie and Lola.

Around the house ... full laundry baskets. I took my eye off the ball last week, and the laundry has exploded. Where does it all come from? Who wears all this stuff?

One of my favourite things ... four year olds. The cutest, funniest age of them all.

A few plans for the rest of the week ... school lunch with Cherub tomorrow; usual orchestra and band practices and archive work. I'm enjoying this spell with less on the calendar.

A picture thought I am sharing ... a poet for Valentine's Day. The grave of William Wordsworth, taken in Grasmere churchyard last February.

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Hope your lunch was good today. We meant to visit Grasmere and didn't make it. Good luck on the mocks - Princess has a couple this week too.

  2. "She still isn't a great sleeper."

    Oh, how I can relate to that! :)

    "One of my favourite things ... four year olds. The cutest, funniest age of them all."

    And I can relate to that, too. I LOVE that age. So cute. So funny. I can't believe she's four ....
