Tuesday, February 01, 2011


In a piece of bloggy serendipity I was scrolling through my Google Reader feeds last week and jumped straight from Linds who was finding things a trifle red (you can see her beautiful red work in progress here, on her red blog), to Jennifer was was loving the red in her kitchen. So after that, I just had to add my own red post.

Apart from Star's red bedroom, most of our red is in the sitting room. We have red curtains and cushions:

A bunch of red artificial flowers bought for me by Star:

And a light shade with a dash of red among the embroidered flowers:

All lovely and cheerful to brighten up grey winter days.

Thinking about red reminded my that buying a pair of red shoes was on my Day Zero Project list, and now I have started thinking about red, I am determined to find a pair.


  1. I once had some red boots, and oh, how I loved them! I think they may be up in the attic, all worn down, but still......
    Anything which brightens up these cold and grey days is fine for me, but the red does make me smile!

  2. I had some red shoes from Asda (flats), only £6, they were quite nice, but have gone the way of all cheap shoes that are well-worn.

  3. Red shoes... Back when I was in high school I had a wonderful pair of red boots. I even wore them to my high school graduation.

    I love seeing the touches of red from everyone. Maybe one day I'll break away from my love affair with blue for long enough to buy a little red. Right now about the only red in my house is the bright red and orange rug in front of the stove.

  4. I love that lamp! And I love this post of red. Needed here, with our cold, cold, snowy winter!

  5. I have a lovely pair of red shoes -- you can see them in this post -- they make me happy. I look forward to spring, when I can wear them again.

  6. That lamp is the cutest! I never really thought I'd like red, always blues and greens before but oh, I'm in love now!
    (And I found red sandals under the Christmas tree this year. I wonder who they were from???)
