Monday, January 10, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook: 10th January

Outside My Window ... January. Cold, grey and damp. As the week goes on it is supposed to change to warmer, grey and damp.

I am thinking ... about what I need to do before I leave for my study school on Wednesday. I'm sure there are things I have forgotten.

From the learning rooms ... Cherub's topic at school this week is the moon. She has been telling me the names of its different shapes - full moon, half moon, and "present" moon.

I am thankful ... that my laptop has been replaced. The new one arrived today, but I am still typing this on the iPad. I can't use the new MacBook or the old iMac at the moment as I am copying 60Gb of files from the old machine to the new one, which is going to take all night. I didn't realise quite how long it would take until after I pressed the start button!

From the kitchen ... baked potatoes and chilli tonight; beef casserole tomorrow; quick and easy stuff from the freezer while I am away.

I am wearing ... jeans, blue long sleeved t-shirt, navy cardigan and blue hand-knitted socks.

I am creating ... a supersoft, chunky aran scarf for myself, the same as one I knit Angel for Christmas, but in light grey (hers is beige). Since last week I also made a pair of grey handwarmers that just need finishing off.

I am going ... to Scotland on Wednesday for a three day study school for my archive course. Back home on Saturday.

I am reading ... between books. Last week I finished The Tale of Holly How and read Memories Before and After The Sound of Music, an autobiography of Agathe von Trapp, the eldest Trapp family daughter (HT: Jenn at Family in Feast and Feria). More Kindle shopping needed.

I am hoping ... for smooth travel this week, and that I make all the train connections.

I am hearing ... the TV.

Around the house ... almost all the Christmas stuff is packed away. I missed the advent wreath and one lone foil star still dangling from the ceiling.

One of my favourite things ... unpacking a new Mac. Take it out of the box, switch it on, and it is ready to go. None of that set-up misery you get with a PC.

A few plans for the rest of the week ... taking Mum to the hospital for physio tomorrow morning and getting my hair cut in the afternoon, then study school for the rest of the week.

A picture thought I am sharing ... again, no new photos until I get them off the camera and on to a computer

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Good ol' present moon :) That made me chuckle.
