Saturday, January 29, 2011

Alphabet Meme

I am in the mood for a random meme to get myself back in the habit of posting again, and I spotted this one at What's Happening At My House.

A is for Age: 50. A nice round number!

B is for Beer of choice: Anything light and cold, but only in the summer and not often then.

C is for Career: Working towards one, rather to my surprise. I am not a career minded person. I just want to be able to keep busy and active and earn a bit of extra money by working part time (I hope) doing something I enjoy.

D is for favourite Drink: Champagne

E is for Essential item you use every day: Laptop

F is for Favourite song at the moment: No current favourite

G is for favourite Game: Just Dance 2 on the Wii. I'm using it for exercise. It's not pretty, but it's working.

H is for Home town: Leighton Buzzard

I is for Instruments you play: Violin, flute, trombone, piano, organ, recorders, guitar. I also passed Grade 6 on the viola, but haven't played one for years.

J is for favourite Juice: Orange juice, but it has to be with ice.

K is for Kids: Three beautiful girls.

L is for Last kiss: Tevye, I think. We are more a huggy family than a kissy family.

M is for Marriage: 18 years and counting.

N is for full Name: That would defeat the purpose of using pseudonyms, but my Christian names are Kathryn Helen.

O is for Overnight hospital stays: For tonsils and teeth extraction as a child. Since then only when I have had a baby.

P is for Phobias: Heights.

Q is for Quote: "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." (G.K.Chesterton)

R is for biggest Regret: Being such an obnoxious, awkward teenager.

S if for Sports: Not much, though in my younger days I used to watch a lot of football. Now I like watching gymnastics and athletics, and more or less any sport during the Olympics. Sport every four years is about right for me.

T is for Time you wake up: Too early. Seven o'clock on weekdays, a bit later at weekends if I'm lucky.

U is for colour of Underwear: Usually boring black or white. Occasionally pink.

V is for Vegetable you loves: Parsnips roasted in butter.

W is for Worst Habit: Leaving things until the last minute.

X is for X-rays you've had: I think I had one on my foot when I sprained it badly as a teen. Since then only teeth.

Y is for Yummy food you make: Apple cake probably disappears quicker than anything else.

Z is for Zodiac sign: Libra. Which in theory makes me either very balanced or a chronic ditherer.


  1. I'm a chronic ditherer. Lol.

    I posted a meme the other day to get me back into the habit of posting. I like this one too, I might copy you in a few days.

  2. Just stopped by to say 'Hello' Kathryn after you visited me last week! Love your blog! Particularly love your blog header!! I'll come by again if I may!

  3. Thanks for joining in - love to read other people's takes on memes that I do.

    Have been reading through some of your other posts, too, and I really like your blog - I shall be back to visit again soon now I've found you!

    Caroline x
