Monday, December 27, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 27th December

Outside My Window ... the snow that fell nine days ago is finally beginning to thaw. It has been a cold, cold week. It is supposed to be rising to more normal December temperatures over the next day or so.
I am thinking ... brain is mush. Not thinking.

From the learning rooms ... Cherub seems to be in scientific mood. She is busy making "Saturns" out of pom poms and elastic.

I am thankful ... that for the first time in a week I feel as though I may be shaking off this virus.

From the kitchen ... menu planning goes to pot during the holidays. I am not thinking ahead beyond the next couple of days.
Today: Leftovers and turkey soup
Tomorrow: Baked potatoes with chicken and mushrooms or cauliflower cheese (Tevye's sister and her family are coming, and three of them are vegetarian)
I am wearing ... pink pyjamas and cosy socks.
I am creating ... second skew sock for my friend's birthday this week; sleeves on a coat-cardigan for myself I started last winter; experimenting with different needle sizes for my aran cardigan (first couple of attempts knitted up too loosely).

I am going ... to the supermarket for milk and a few things I need for tomorrow. 

I am reading ... finished the biographies I was reading last week, so I am in between books. 

I am hoping ... to soon be well enough to test out the Just Dance Wii game the girls have been enjoying.

I am hearing ... Cherub talking to J-Next-Door who has come round to colour my hair. Having a trainee hairdresser next door is very useful! I am so looking forward to her getting to the cutting hair stage. At the moment she can do colouring, blowdrying and so on, but hasn't learned cutting yet. 
Around the house ... Christmas debris. Leftovers, chocolates, gifts that are in use or haven't got put away yet.

One of my favorite things ... Christmas! 

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Tomorrow: Tevye's family coming to visit; Wednesday: hoping to be well enough to go to the archive; Thursday: a follow up hospital appointment for my Mum (I think Tevye is going to take her); Friday: playing with the brass band at a wedding, then visiting friends to see the New Year in; Saturday: bowling with our neighbours and friends from their old church, followed by a late lunch at McDonalds.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better and do give a review of Just Dance. We've got some amazon monies for Wii games and are considering it :)
