Monday, December 20, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 20th December

Outside My Window ... six inches of snow, which came down on Saturday. The matinee performance of the girls' dance show went ahead, but the evening show and Sunday's matinee were postponed until January. My band concert for Saturday and carol playing on Sunday were also cancelled, so we had an unexpectedly quiet weekend. The forecast is for another ten days of freezing temperatures, with a strong possibility of more snow.
I am thinking ...that this year I must print out all my daybook entries and file them to make a journal of the year.

From the learning rooms ... school holidays. Just as well, given the weather.

I am thankful ... that we don't have to go anywhere in this weather. With impeccable logic, the highways agency are telling people to stay home and keep off the roads, so that they can keep them open. Isn't that missing the point, somewhere?

From the kitchen ... 
Today: Oven chips (fries) and chicken kiev
Tomorrow: Chicken in bbq sauce with rice
Wednesday: Tevye's office Christmas meal (weather permitting)
Thursday: Burgers, maybe?
Friday: Soup and crusty bread
Saturday: Traditional Christmas dinner of turkey, roast potatoes and all the trimmings
Sunday: Leftovers, followed by a buffet tea at my Mum's
I am wearing ... jeans, blue long sleeved t-shirt, red cowl necked sweater, hand knitted socks
I am creating ... blue socks and prairie boot slippers finished; one skew sock to go; nearly finished a doll's dress for Cherub, and hoping to add a couple more dolly items before Christmas.

I am going ... nowhere! 

I am reading ... a biography of Boris Johnson, a biography of the founder of Puffin books (the children's imprint of Penguin - anyone remember Puffins and the Puffin Club?), and my archive textbook.

I am hoping ... the nasty throaty-chesty bug I have goes away quickly. Meanwhile I'm trying to get as much rest as possible. It is probably just as well everything was cancelled yesterday.

I am hearing ... Angel talking to Cherub downstairs.

Around the house ... rooms in desperate need of a bit of TLC and a good clean. With all the busyness of the last week or so things have slipped from barely keeping my head above water to complete failure.

One of my favorite things ... hot chocolate in cold weather.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... not such a crazy week this week. I was hoping to go to the archive tomorrow, but doubt I will be well enough, so may go for part of Thursday instead. On Wednesday I am taking Mum for a doctor's appointment (if her road is clear enough to get the car down to collect her), then going out with Tevye to his office Christmas meal in the evening. On Christmas Eve we will go to the local large shopping centre to see the Christmas displays and have a treat of some kind in the John Lewis cafe. I also still have quite a number of gifts to wrap and some baking to do. 

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...


  1. Bless. It looks as if you live here! (by which I mean, here in a non-specified northern bit of north america). Have you got snowplows for residential roads in the UK? Or do people simply have to make do when it snows like this?

  2. We don't even have snow ploughs for major roads! Further north, yes, but I've never seen one here.

  3. My best wishes for Christmas to you and your family. Your blog is most enjoyable, what a good idea to print it out, will be better than a diary for your family history.

    Many thanks for your help when I started knitting again, have even posted a little in Ravelry.


  4. I've printed out some of the daybooks to add to my december daily - fun to look back through. Make an easy scrapbook too.

    Our road is covered and being hilly/twisty quite tricky - we've parked elsewhere a couple of times to ensure we can get out.
