Monday, December 13, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 13th December

Outside My Window ... warmer than a week ago, though still pretty chilly. We have even had a couple of days on which I haven't had to defrost the car, and it looks as though this morning may be another.

I am thinking ... about using iCal. I have used Google Calendar for a while, but haven't been keeping it up-to-date, as we also have a real, paper family planner that is our definitive calendar. Now my iPad, iPod and computers can all talk to each other, I'm thinking it would be useful to double the planner in iCal, together with the extras I use Google Calendar for (particularly menu planning).

From the learning rooms ... Cherub's final Christmas concert performances today and tomorrow, then a Christmas party and a carol service to finish the term on Thursday and Friday. Star's school have changed their homework policy to longer cross-curricular tasks to complete over a three week period. The first task has been to write a short speech on any topic, with visual aids and a fact file poster to go alongside. Star chose to do hers on airbrushing, and surprised me by getting it completed two days early.

I am thankful ... that Mum is well enough to go home today. She made it round the supermarket on Saturday, noticeably faster than she could before the operation.

From the kitchen ... the end of the week is just too chaotic to plan! I think there will probably be some takeaways in there.
Today: Turkey steaks and potato wedges / pasta and sauce (for Angel and Star who will be eating late)
Tomorrow: Cottage pie
Wednesday: Something instant from the freezer (everyone in and out at different times, no time to cook)
Thursday: Lazy chicken and potatoes (didn't get made last week)
Friday: ????
Saturday: ????
Sunday: Roast beef?
I am wearing ... mismatched pyjamas. Pink top, black and white trousers.
I am creating ... still prairie boot slippers for Star, skew socks and blue socks. One of each finished so far.

I am going ... to spend the afternoon with my feet up, recharging batteries for the crazy week ahead.

I am reading ... my first archives textbook has arrived, so I am going to try to start reading through that this week.

I am hoping ... to keep up my run of daily blogging, despite a crazy schedule this week (see below).

I am hearing ... blissful silence apart from my fingers tapping the keys. Really should go and wake the girls up.

Around the house ... beginning to look Christmassy. We have the tree up - thanks to Star and Cherub, who did everything but the lights between them - and Star has hung some decorations from the living room ceiling.

One of my favorite things ...being up when everyone else is asleep and the house is quiet.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... oh my! What a week coming up! Me: Cherub's school Christmas concert, four band concerts / carol playing sessions, two evenings chaperoning dressing rooms for the girls' dance show, watching the dance show on Saturday. No archive as it is closed this week for stocktaking. Just as well! Angel and Star: one (long) final run through; one (long) tech rehearsal; four dance shows. Cherub: two school Christmas concerts; one school Christmas party, one school carol service, one (short) tech rehearsal, four dance shows. Eek. At least she gets some down time on Wednesday, when the whole school has a trip to the pantomine. Cherub does not do pantomimes - too scary - so is having the day off instead.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

1 comment:

  1. A busy week ahead!

    Glad to read your mum is much better, that is good news.

    I was going to ask you about something I'd read this morning (I'm back finishing off The Stripping of the Altars) but I've totally forgotten what it was. Perhaps it'll come back to me.
