Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cherub World

1. Cherub world is a very girly place, heavily influenced by teen and nearly teen sisters. Cherub's response to a conversation about going bowling on New Year's day (a family tradition) ... "what should I wear to go bowling?" I think I managed to convince her that her best pink party dress was perhaps not the most suitable choice.

2. Sometimes the Englsh language goes out of its way to trip up four year olds. I asked Cherub what she thought she would like to learn about at school when she was older. "Fairies!" was the response. I said she probably wouldn't be learning about fairies, but would learn geography, history and science, which - inevitably - caused her to look very puzzled. I started to explain that geography meant learning about the world and different countries. "Oh!" she said, baffled, "I thought it meant taking pictures". Oops! Slight confusion between geography and photography.

1 comment:

  1. pink dresses would clash with the bowling shoes.... :rofl:

    we all completely understood the geography and photography confusion here.
