Monday, November 08, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 8th November

Outside My Window ... disgusting weather. Six degrees (45 deg F), dark grey skies, wet and windy. Forecast to stay this way all day. Autumn at its worst.

I am thinking ... about my Mum, who is having her knee replacement op tomorrow. Praying all goes well.

From the learning rooms ... the theme for Cherub's class at school this half term is celebrations. Next week they are having a pretend wedding where they all dress up as brides, grooms, bridesmaids, pages, or guests. Cherub is looking forward to wearing a new party dress. 

I am thankful ... for a warm, comfortable house.

From the kitchen ... Today: baked potatoes and chili tonight
Tuesday: Pasta with tomato pesto and creme fraiche
Wednesday: Beef stew and dumplings
Thursday: Fish and chips
Friday: Lazy chicken
Saturday: Soup
Sunday: Roast beef

I am wearing ... black jeans, grey long sleeved t-shirt, black and white stripy socks (not hand knitted).

I am creating ... my cardigan (first sleeve almost done); my brother's socks (one sock done, the second started); super chunky wrist warmers (one done). Star's neon pink socks are done.

I am going ... to have a busy week, adding in a couple of trips to visit Mum in hospital (an hour away) in addition to the normal routine.

I am reading ... nearly finished Gunpowder Plots (various authors)

I am hoping ... that my Mum's operation goes to plan, and she recovers well. Usually she is slow to heal and ends up having to stay in hospital longer than expected.

I am hearing ... Cherub playing an I Can Cook game on the CBeebies website.

Around the house ... kitchen and bathrooms need a good clean. Tevye and I are going to tackle them this morning (he isn't working today as he is driving my Mum to hospital this afternoon), then the house will be more or less back in order. 

One of my favorite things ... hot chocolate on a cold day.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Tuesday: record office; Wednesday: hospital visit, band practice; Thursday: record office, hospital visit, orchestra rehearsal (not sure this is logistically possible!); Friday: hoping to go to see the new Harry Potter movie with Angel; Sunday: band commitments for Remembrance Sunday (any maybe another hospital visit depending on Mum's progress).

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. That's a busy week! I said a prayer for your mum (and for you!)

  2. It's one of those days here today too. Dark, almost freezing rain, wind, perfect day to be inside.

    What a lovely picture! I used to love Sophia's preschool theme days - searching the house for things that started with the letter O, or K, or R, Red Day, Show and Tell, etc. I saved every single piece of paper and art work she brought home - finally got around to making scrapbooks a few years ago and tossed a lot of macaroni artwork!

    Praying for your mum and for safe travel and strength for you back and forth.

  3. Praying for your mum and you! I didn't realize the hospital was so far away.

  4. We're having the same nasty weather here today. I'm baking orange chocolate chip bread to compensate. That and bleaching the shower curtain.

    Bella would love the celebrations theme. She and Sophie play weddings all the time.

    I adore that picture. Cherub looks so sweet in her school jumper dress and braids.

    Praying for your mother and her successful surgery and swift recover.

  5. I'll be praying for your mum. I hope she heals well and swiftly.

    Your picture is just beautiful.
