Monday, November 29, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 29th November

Outside My Window ... winter. Deep frost this morning, and the car was showing minus 5 (low 20s farenheit). There was a light dusting of snow on Saturday, but the real stuff is due tonight.

I am thinking ... about Christmas shopping. I had hoped to be finished with it by now, but this month conspired against me.

From the learning rooms ... Angel has settled on her sixth form choices (more about that in another post); Star's school has changed its homework policy, and is now issuing a single major task over a three week period rather than small, separate pieces of homework for each subject.

I am thankful ... Mum is out of hospital and recovering. She was discharged last Tuesday and will be staying with us for another week or so, by which time she should be ready to go home an manage independently.

From the kitchen ... 
Today: Chicken stir fry
Tomorrow: Fish and chips
Wednesday: Orange chicken and rice
Thursday: Salmon and mashed potatoes
Friday: Steak pie?
Saturday: Burgers
Sunday: Roast chicken
I am wearing ... dark grey trousers (this pair from Marks and Spencer - so comfortable and so wearable I went back and bought another pair in black), black sweater, black and white handknitted socks

I am creating ... super chunky wrist warmers (one done); blue socks for Mum; long chunky cardigan for myself (knitted the body last winter, just the sleeves to go; soft merino / mohair aran scarf for Angel for Christmas.

I am going ... to be starting a masters degree in Archives and Records Management in January. Both the interview and the train journey went well.

I am reading ... Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell. Loved the TV series, loving the book.

I am hoping ... that Cherub is not going down with something. She seemed a bit warm this evening.

I am hearing ... Star having an attack of hiccups.

Around the house ... a makeshift button for flushing the toilet made out of an old screw and duck tape. Angel somehow managed to flush the proper button down the pan. It was loose and wobbly and apparently "jumped" as she pushed it.

One of my favorite things ... preparing for Christmas.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a nice quiet week. Only extras on the calendar are Cherub's school Christmas fair on Saturday and carol playing with the brass band on Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... our Playmobil nativity set

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Was wondering how the journey and interview went so congratulations on being accepted for the Archive management masters.

    Good luck with your studies, distance learning has been transformed with internet and online contact with tutors and other students.

    I compare my studies with the OU in the 1970s and my husband in 2010.

  2. Congratulations on the acceptance - should be interesting.

    This is the first year we've not had that Playmobil creche out in a long time.
