Monday, November 01, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 1st November

Outside My Window ... dark. The clocks went back at the weekend, and today it was dark by five in the afternoon. I hate the long nights.

I am thinking ... about friends who are going through difficult times.

From the learning rooms ... Cherub's first parent-teacher meeting is tomorrow.

I am thankful ...for beautiful autumn leaves. Some consolation for the dark evenings, at least for a while.

From the kitchen ... orange chicken and rice tomorrow, crockpot beef and mushrooms on Wednesday, and salmon on Thursday. I haven't thought further than that yet.

I am wearing ... dark grey trousers, purple long sleeved t-shirt, purple cardigan, hand-knitted socks.

I am creating ... my cardigan (half way down the first sleeve); my brother's socks (one sock done, the second started); neon pink socks for Star (first sock two-thirds done); super chunky wrist warmers (with leftover yarn from Angel's hooded scarf, which I knitted in a day last week). Projects are proliferating. And I just received some fun pink yarn sent by a kind friend for more scarf knitting.

I am going have been ... to Alton Towers for the day. Angel and Star had the day off school, so we went on a trip to ride roller coasters.

I am reading ... I am nearly reading a pile of books that is stacking up.

I am hoping ... to get an application in this week for a distance learning course in archive and record management, to start in January (the deadline is the end of November, so I haven't quite taken it to the wire!)

I am hearing ... Tevye watching Spooks on TV.

Around the house ... sitting room and hall decluttered and tidy, and the house thoroughly dusted and hoovered. Tevye and I spend Saturday afternoon restoring some sort of order to the chaos.

One of my favorite things ... Cherub's ingenuity in coming up with excuses for not doing things she thinks are scary, without admitting she is afraid. Angel suggested yesterday that she might like to go trick-or-treating to a couple of neighbours: "No, I don't think so ... I'm a bit too sweaty."

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Tuesday - meeting with Cherub's teacher; Saturday - taking Angel shopping, then going out for a meal with Tevye, his sister and brother-in-law; usual record office, band and orchestra.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... Cherry, particularly sour cherry, is a popular Hungarian flavour. This was Black Forest cappuccino - think Black Forest gateau meets coffee. In Hungary cherry and chocolate with coffee makes sense. (And it was good. Shame it isn't available here.)

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Oh that black forest coffee sounds lovely!

    Bella's favorite excuse for why she can't pick up her toys is "I'm too tired. I just need to rest." Sounds like she and Cherub both have a similar ingenuity with excuses.

  2. I found a sour cherry syrup from Poland in Tesco... think I'm going to try that in my next Mocha. Probably won't be as pretty tho'!
