Monday, October 04, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 4th October

Outside My Window ... yet another miserable, dull, wet morning. This weather is beyond a joke. We are squelching through autumn.

I am thinking ... not thinking. Too early. I am only up and using the laptop as I needed to print out some homework Star did yesterday before it turns into a last minute crisis.

From the learning rooms ... Cherub was impressed that they did real PE, as she put it, meaning they got changed into their PE kit (a major exercise with over thirty four year olds!). Apparently they had to run round on tip toe pretending they were in a bubble, being careful not to pop anyone else's bubble while they did so.

I am thankful ... that my mum got a clean bill of health from the anaesthetist last week.

From the kitchen ... this week's menu plan:
Today: Chicken stir fry
Tuesday: Crockpot beef and mushrooms
Wednesday: Orange chicken and rice
Thursday: Salmon and mashed potatoes
Friday: Omelettes and chips
Saturday: Burgers
Sunday: Roast lamb

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas, blue dressing gown.

I am creating ... Cherub's ballet cardigan is nearly finished, and my queue is stacking up with things I plan to knit for Christmas.

I am going ... to the supermarket. Monday is supermarket day. With my new menu system, I do a big online shop at one supermarket and a run round another at the beginning of the month. After that I only need a weekly top-up of fruit and veg and bits and pieces. Today is monthly stocking up day.

I am reading ... in the reading doldrums again.

I am hoping ... Cherub gets out of the pattern of disturbed nights she has fallen into over the last couple of weeks. Tevye and I are both wilting.

I am hearing ...  Angel's iPod playing. Other than that, too much silence considering the girls are supposed to be getting up and ready for school.

Around the house ... clutter. I hate clutter. I need to stop looking at it and start dealing with it.

One of my favorite things ... a good, uninterrupted night's sleep. Which I am not getting at the moment.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... usual work (freelance and voluntary) and band rehearsals; Thursday - looking round another upper school with Star; Saturday - an evening with neighbours drinking wine and viewing holiday pictures. Star is dancing in Coventry at the weekend, but her friend's mother is taking them.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... I think I said I would post a picture of the shawl I knit for my mum, but never did. Here it is as modelled by Cherub.

  Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. The shawl is beautiful - I do envy you your knitting talent! Would you share your CrockPot beef and mushrooms recipe? I'm always looking for something new to try.

    Have a great week - I love the "Squelching through autumn" comment! We're doing a bit of that as well this week.

  2. Gorgeous shawl! I have such trouble with lace.
    I love these posts - the image of your little daughter prancing around as if in a bubble made me smile.

  3. The shawl is gorgeous.

    Glad that your mother is well.
