Monday, October 18, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 18th October

Outside My Window ... bright, cool October morning.
I am thinking ... how nice it would be to go to bed and sleep for a week. (But then I would hugely resent wasting all that time!)

From the learning rooms ... Star, I think, has almost decided on School B - she wants to go there, but is scared as it is the unorthodox choice and most of her friends will be going to School A. Cherub's class were looking at more exotic pets last week and had visits from chickens and a lizard. They also made and ate scrambled eggs and toast (imagine doing that with 30 four year olds! They did split them into small groups, but even so!). Angel has a week of work experience this week, which she will be spending in a well known "health and beauty" chain.

I am thankful ... Tevye is having break from work this week. He has been working hard, and wasn't well at the weekend, so could really use the rest.

From the kitchen ... this week's menu plan:
Today: Mushroom stir fry
Tuesday: Chicken burgers and chips
Wednesday: BBQ chicken and rice
Thursday: Baked potatoes and cauliflower cheese
Friday / Saturday / Sunday - away!

I am wearing ... jeans, pink sweater, stripy socks

I am creating ... this cardigan (nearly finished the body) and a pair of socks for my brother's birthday.

I am going ... to Budapest for the weekend.
I am reading ... skimmed through The Time Traveller's Wife - I sort of liked it, but not enough to read the whole thing. All the dotting about between times made it feel rather fragmented. I ended up reading the first 100 pages and the last 50, and just dipped into bits of the middle.

I am hoping ... Angel enjoys her work experience.

I am hearing ... Cherub watching TV.

Around the house ... lovely birthday flowers from one of the neighbours; the usual clothes explosions in the older girls' room; kitchen floor in dire need of cleaning.

One of my favorite things ... beginnings. New years, new terms, new decades ...

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Today: supermarket; Tuesday: final pre-op appointment for my Mum, then out for lunch with Tevye; Wednesday: Record office and band practice; Thursday: Getting organised for Friday, orchestra rehearsal; Friday, Saturday and Sunday: BUDAPEST!

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

  Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Budapest, how exciting! Can't wait to read all about it. Love the cardigan - you find the most amazing patterns. I remember Dr. Seuss week at Sophia's preschool - they had green scrambled eggs and ham for Green Eggs and Ham day!

  2. oh enjoy Budapest - a member of our Meeting left with her family just in front of the Nazis and talks about how it is still beautiful as she now goes back regularly.

    They make scrambled eggs and soup next door - always astonished at what they tackle.

  3. Ooh have fun in Budapest. Loved it there.
