Monday, September 27, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 27th September

Outside My Window ... a miserable, dull, wet morning. It is supposed to be brightening up later, but we are well into autumn now. I had to get my winter coat out at the weekend.

I am thinking ... that I need to get moving and clean the bathroom before Cherub's friend arrives for a playdate.

From the learning rooms ... a useful tour round Angel's school last week. Although it was meant to help us decide on a school for Star for next year, I also had a very useful discussion with a business studies teacher over A-levels for Angel for next year. Right now it is looking as though she is going to follow her practical bent and opt for a vocational route rather than academic, with a view to going straight into an A-level entry job at 18 rather than to university.  

I am thankful ... that we have a choice of two good upper schools, and no panic about trying to get Star into a suitable school.

From the kitchen ... this week's menu plan:
Today: Beef and bean hash with roasted potato cubes
Tuesday: Turkey steaks and chips
Wednesday: Lamb chops and mash for Tevye, myself and Cherub / pasta bake for Angel and Star who have to eat late after dance
Thursday: Toad in the hole (I got my menu plan muddled last week and made chicken in bbq sauce by mistake!)
Friday: Pot roast
Saturday: Burgers
Sunday: Roast lamb

I am wearing ... jeans, white long-sleeved top, hand knitted socks.

I am creating ... a ballet cardigan for Cherub.
I am going ... to the supermarket after I drop Cherub at school.

I am reading ... a book of Churchill quotes.

I am hoping ... my Mum's hospital appointment on Thursday goes well.

I am hearing ...  Cherub complaining because she has lost the friendship bracelet Angel made her.

Around the house ... bits of blue painted cardboard that Star is making into some sort of bizarre animal for science homework.

One of my favorite things ... warm, woolly hand knitted socks.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... usual work (freelance and voluntary), band and orchestra rehearsals; Thursday - Mum's pre-op assessment for her postponed knee replacement (turned out to be this week not last week); Friday - mothers' night out with friends; Saturday - belated birthday party for Star (she is having a joint party with a friend who has a September birthday)

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... a stormtrooper invasion at Legoland

  Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

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