Monday, September 20, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 20th September

Outside My Window ... pleasant early autumn morning. Blue sky and white cloud.

I am thinking ... I need to buy Cherub some more clothes for the winter. There was less put away from last winter than I thought, and some of that looks on the small side.

From the learning rooms ... Angel is spending the afternoon at Cherub's school tomorrow, in the same classroom as Cherub, to gather information for her Health and Social Care GCSE coursework. Much excitement. Must warn Cherub's teacher that there may be squealing when Angel arrives!

I am thankful ... that the visit of Pope Benedict to the UK went so well. All the atheist griping that preceded it paled into insignificance once he arrived.

From the kitchen ... this week's menu plan:
Today: Mushroom stir fry
Tuesday: Marinated chicken and chips from the chip van (wish I could remember what I meant to marinate the chicken in!)
Wednesday: Cottage pie
Thursday: Toad in the hole
Friday: Turkey steaks and potato wedges
Saturday: Baked potatoes and cauliflower cheese
Sunday: Eating out (Chinese)

I am wearing ... jeans, pink sweater, hand knitted stripy socks

I am creating ... bed socks for Mum. Managed to get one sock and the Bitterroot shawl finished ready for her birthday tomorrow. I'll post a picture of the shawl later.

I am going ... to the supermarket this morning, then will go for a swim after I have dropped Cherub at school.

I am reading ... Bad Science by Ben Goldacre, but didn't pick it up last week.

I am hoping ... to get back into my groove this week. Last week Cherub was off school with a cold for a couple of days and I was under par too, so not much got done.

I am hearing ...  yes, Cherub's TV again. Part of our morning routing is that Cherub watches TV while I blog, read blogs and catch up with Facebook. I am not a morning person and a bit of down time helps me switch on to the day.

Around the house ... mess. I need to run round upstairs and firefight the chaos left behind in the rush to get ready on a school day.

One of my favorite things ... coffee.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... usual work (freelance and voluntary) and band rehearsals; Thursday - missing orchestra to go to an open evening at Angel's school with Star. We are looking at Upper Schools for next year; Thursday or Friday (some confusion over this!) - taking my mum for another pre-op assessment for her postponed knee replacement; Saturday - teaching First Communion class in the morning. Both older girls are out at parties in the evening; Sunday - going out for a Chinese meal (whole family plus my Mum and brother).

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Picture from BBC website
  Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. What's the chip van? Someone who drives around and delivers chips - I want one of those in our town!
