Monday, August 09, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 9th August

Outside My Window ... a bright August morning. A mix of sunshine and cloud forecast for the week, but not much rain.

I am thinking ... about our excess of stuff, and what to get rid of.

From the learning rooms ... only three and a half weeks of summer holidays left, and it seems they only just started!

I am thankful ... there was nothing major wrong with the car after the fault warning light came on last week. A sensor on the exhaust system had broken and needed replacing.

From the kitchen ... I need to do a menu plan for the week. Maybe orange chicken with rice tonight, as that is a favourite. Hoping to do some baking this afternoon. Maybe brownies (using Ghirardelli's brownie mix from Costco) and gold digger buns.

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas and a blue dressing gown. Same as last week - the mornings are definitely getting cooler.

I am creating ... Horcrux socks with a frilly top for Angel. I finished my skew socks yesterday (will post a picture once I've taken one). Next on my list is a pink dress for Cherub using bamboo yarn. I was knitting a cardigan for her with it, but decided I wasn't keen on the pattern.

I am going ... to the optician's for an eye test, to the supermarket, to the library, and to the yarn shop to get an extra ball or two of the pink bamboo yarn (hoping they have some left, as it is being withdrawn).

I am reading ... Ptolemy's Gate by Jonathan Stroud. Still. I'm afraid being back home with the computer is distracting me from reading, and this one hasn't grabbed me as much as the previous two books in the trilogy. Yet.

I am hoping ... to get to the Apple Store soon so I can have the original software reinstalled on the  iMac. It is now well and truly scrambled. It still connects to the internet and will run Firefox, but virtually nothing else will work. Can't see it happening this week, though.

I am hearing ... Zing Zillas on TV, a music programme for young children that introduces them to different styles and instruments. Some pretty high profile performers take part - Julian Lloyd Webber (cello), James Galway (flute) and Evelyn Glennie (percussion) are the ones I have noticed.

Around the house ... needs housework doing. I hate cleaning. Cooking, shopping, laundry, finances - all those I can keep up with, but cleaning? Ugh.

One of my favorite things ... Marmite flavoured crisps. The only problem is that one bag is not enough, and two bags leaves a little too much aftertaste. They should make the bags larger - one and a half time the normal bag size would be perfect.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Today - errands; Tomorrow - volunteering at the record office; Wednesday or Thursday - pick your own farm (we went to the zoo last week instead, as there was no soft fruit ready for picking); Friday - Star's birthday; Saturday - shopping trip with Star; Sunday - playing the organ at Church as the regular organist is away.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Brownies are always a good idea. Cute raincoat and Cherub too! :)
