Monday, August 30, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 30th August

Outside My Window ... a bright, sunny morning. The first for a while. Summer's last fling?

I am thinking ... of the benefits of routine, and what our new term time routine will look like.

From the learning rooms ... Angel and Star go back to school on Thursday, and Cherub starts next Monday.

I am thankful ... that the three girls get on so well together. They have their moments, but not too many. Even after six weeks of summer holiday, the squabbling is still only occasional and low key.

From the kitchen ... chaos. All semblance of menu planning has disappeared.

I am wearing ... black and white pyjamas, blue dressing gown.

I am creating ... a Travelling Woman shawl in a soft baby blue for my mother to wear in bed (she likes to sit up in bed reading). I'm going to knit bedsocks (her request) to match. Finished the Horcrux socks for Angel yesterday.

I am going ... to be super-organised this term. I wish.

I am reading ... just finished Bluestockings: The Remarkable Story of the First Women to Fight for an Education by Jane Robinson. Fascinating.

I am hoping ... for a happy future for Tevye's nephew and his new fiancee.

I am hearing ... Star and Cherub working on an art project together, and Come Dine With Me on the TV that Angel is watching.

Around the house ... rising tide of messiness.

One of my favorite things ... being busy, and having the energy to be busy.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Today - an engagement party for Tevye's nephew this afternoon, then Angel is going to a Sweet Sixteen party tonight; Tuesday - record office; Wednesday - checking everything is ready for school on Thursday, then a back-to-school girlie night out with K, J and A-Next Door (banquet night at an Indian restaurant - starter, main, sidedish, rice or naan and a drink for £8); Thursday - back to school for Angel and Star, playdate for Cherub; Friday - taking Cherub to Legoland as a starting school treat; Saturday - gymnastics coaching course for Angel; Sunday - day of rest!

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... 


Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. requesting bluestockings - LOVE online library catalogs :)
