Monday, August 23, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 23rd August

Outside My Window ... grey skies, but less leaden than they were an hour ago. Very heavy rain last night.

I am thinking ... that I am finally back on track with a Monday meme on Monday!

From the learning rooms ... I think everyone has everything they need ready for when school starts back.

I am thankful ... that there is no serious cause for the sudden pain and stiffness that hit my mother's second knee over the weekend (she is still waiting for her other knee to be replaced after her op was cancelled in July). An x-ray didn't show up anything untoward, so she has probably just strained it.

From the kitchen ... nothing today. I'm heading out soon to buy bits and pieces for a picnic lunch, then tonight we are eating at a carvery on the way home from our trip out.

I am wearing ... pink pjs.

I am creating ...  Horcrux socks for Angel. Cherub's Little Summer Dress is finished.

I am going ... on a family day out to Wicksteed Park The weather forecast is not great, but it is the only day we can all make it, so we will just have to take macs and umbrellas and hope for the best.

I am reading ... Bluestockings, about the first Englishwomen to study at university.

I am hoping ... we don't get rained on too much today.

I am hearing ... Cherub colouring, with Tevye as assistant; there seems to be some dispute over which crayon is orange.

Around the house ... housework backlog mounting.

One of my favorite things ... the randomness of four year old conversation.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... today - Wicksteed Park and carvery dinner; Tuesday - volunteering at the record office; Wednesday - pick-your-own farm (maybe? finally!), going out for a meal in the evening with Tevye to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary; Thursday - taking Star to London to this workshop; Friday - play date for Cherub; no plans yet for the weekend.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... my skew socks. Waiting for the weather to get cool enough to wear them.

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

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