Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yellow M

Star's design and technology class at school had to design and make a balancing toy, using various woodwork and metalwork techniques. This was the end result she brought home. For some reason known only to herself she went for a McDonalds theme:

The balanced M is metal, the red pole plastic dipped wood, and the rest wood. The yellow M was tricky, and took some kind of special saw (I forget the name).

Very creative, I thought. And original. Star is nothing if not original!


  1. It turned out great didn't it. I remember those days of yore when I made things in woodwork and metalwork at school. I loved it, though I wasn't very good at it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very clever! I'm hopeless at that sort of thing.

    I've tagged you on a prayer meme that's doing the rounds. I know memes can be a bit much sometimes, but this is quite a nice, simple one.
    If you're in the mood do play along!

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